Picture by Diego Maeso

Shrouk El-Attar

The Slate

Belly dancer Shrouk El-Attar explains how she protests for LGBT rights - through dance.

The Slate

Shrouk belly dances in drag as a method of protesting her country’s treatment of LGBT+ people, where they are imprisoned and sectioned to mental health asylums. She has performed all over the UK, Europe, and in countries as far as Japan and India. Her performance raises funds for LGBT+ campaigners in Egypt and was featured on many well-known media outlets like HuffPost, BBC, Reuters, Pink News, and Buzzfeed.



✨Belly Dance Drag Sets

A performance that mixes belly dancing, Arabic songs, magic tricks, and comedy!
All sets have sections that tie into the LGBT+ activism in Egypt and some dedicated to certain activists who were imprisoned for waiving a rainbow flag.

🌈 Belly Dance & Queer politics

A workshop covering the past and present of belly dance and how it ties into queer politics followed by a belly dance lesson, so get ready to get moving!

For length and rates please contact us.

“I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful show and unique experience of attempting to do a few of your dance moves. The memory of it keeps making me smile. I also wanted to say how much I admire your ability to warm up an audience such that you had all of us, irrespective of age/ability up on our feet and having fun.”

- Bettina Ersanilli