How Can the ADP3450 Be Used for Wireless Charging Development?
Or, perhaps, it’s another glorious day in your lab; you have lots of ideas and are ready to do some prototyping. But the next-day delivery just isn’t quick enough when you need to prototype now. The only thing you can prototype some wireless charging with right now is some enameled wire you’ve been using for your PCB re-work.
Some LCR metres struggle with detecting millihenries, let alone microhenries. Having the right one can be an investment. Don’t get me wrong, an LCR metre is a piece of equipment that nobody would complain about having in their lab. Being stuck with this problem without an LCR metre can mean that calculating the receiver coil inductance becomes a complicated process requiring multiple pieces of equipment like an oscilloscope and a separate signal generator. But what if you have an ADP3450?
2 x BNC scope probes OR 1 x BNC scope probe and 1 x BNC minigrabber (check probe bandwidth)
A resistor of a known resistance
WaveForms software
All your stray coils
4. Open a new oscilloscope window. Connect your generator to your oscilloscope then make sure both the wave generator and the oscilloscope are running.
5. Click measurements on the Oscilloscope, and add Peak2Peak. You should now see a peak to peak voltage of 3V.
Why does this work? How does this work?
When the inductor is connected to the generator, current passes through it. This means that there’s now a voltage drop across the internal impedance of the equipment, which we calculated in step 9. This voltage drop can be seen on the oscilloscope in step 10.
When voltage seen at the scope is half that of the wave generator, we can solve this algebraically by:
VScope/VGen = 1/2
Because voltage is a function of frequency and inductance, we can deduce the inductance with a known frequency and voltage. So, at the scope, VScope = I x 2πf1L, and at VGen = I x (2πfL + R)? Sort of. But, not really. When we are dealing with inductance, we are dealing with complex impedance and imaginary numbers, so a more accurate equation would be:
VScope/VGen = 2πf1L / Square Root of((2πfL)^2 + R^2) = 1/2
Solving for this equation gives L^2 = R^2 / (3 x (2πf)^2), which results in the familiar equation we used in step 12:
Now you have the inductance of the coil, you can assess if it is suitable for, say, Qi charging and calculate resonant capacitors needed for a properly tuned circuit. Speaking of tuning, can the ADP3450 help us with selection of the wider resonant circuit? That’s next, stay tuned! (pun unintended)